Hot there and
the sun is on the run over the sky it arcs but wait, - it seems to have
stopped. The paths are strewn with interesting leaves and even the shapes the
shadows make on the dirt paths can make one pause and look. It’s a Rorschach world
perhaps. Clouds are castles and tree bark is a door to another world. Or is it?
Do things mean something? Perhaps it’s a combination. There was no shaman or
seer there hiding in the thicket, so I took the job and read the sky and earth
and little stream. Though, I must say, the stream, a small one, I was surprised
when I finally arrived at it- to find it dried up! - Such was the heat of the
sun for those hours. So we were careful and cautious and went slow. What would
Malcolm Lowry think of it all? Or Conrad? Or any of the others? Who is to know?
What would they see in the bright sun? Maybe their ghosts were around, maybe
not. There was an impossibly large mushroom hiding just a few feet in on one of
the paths. How I missed it before I do not know. It was when I asked for a sign
or vision that my sight was drawn to it. Its print reminded me of a leopard somewhat
but not exactly. It was in its structure completely unhampered and unblemished.
Awe and wonder at such a site.
There were also
the dandelions. Now they are a curious bunch and get a bad rap. Look at
they have bits that travel through the air, - trying to survive. The stems sway
over just a little bit in some invisible breeze that visits. Green. The white structure
itself dazzles. Delightful. They are in the hundreds and nobody walks past
there or hardly any soul. Maybe they talk to themselves. Over a long way is a
series of wooden fences, and the other way more forest. Yet, in another
direction is a muddy swamp-like area, - bog, and far from there but in the same
direction you can see the old farmer’s house and barn. What dreams does an old
farmer long retired from his plow and the rest, have? Does he dream a dandelion
dream where the white bits break away and travel up to the sky, farther,
farther still, blending, leaving, and becoming free? Do dandelions become
enlightened and achieve moksha. Awakening, nirvana? Do they get off the wheel
of birth and death? Whatever they are, see them against the green grasses that
grow in the early summer warmth, - the life giving star overhead.
Trees have fallen
over and the Pine Cones are there with the brown bits and the old branches. It’s
probably from a storm. To see the storm at night would be something. Even the
coyotes probably hide. The dogs chased a coyote yesterday clear across the
forest. I think the coyotes are too fast, blended, naturally and instinctually clever.
They run past the stream, the valley, and one thousand wild pine cones in the
sun and shade. A family of pine cones waits there by the place at the perimeter
where the openness meets the wild Birches. The luridness of cities gone, the
whole atmosphere pure if not perfect, and a bumble bee buzzes past looking for
Green. Green and
green. Green and green and green.
The leaves and stems of the wild flowers and
other. It’s dizzy how the little white flowers line up next to one another in
light and shade- along the ways in all directions. N., NE, W, SW, SSW, NNE. so
on. They are indiscriminate and free. Just when you think there are none, there
are some! - And others also- red, pink, tiny blue with yellow bits. They come
from trees and the ground and the little rocks and from the bases of old tree
trunks along the way. They open up; bend outwards, blossom and smile. They come
to let the sunlight kiss the petals in the silent and secreted forest worlds…
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