Monday, May 30, 2016


The old path at the end of the forest that leads out the circular way. The main part is parched from the sun and from passengers’ feet. Even though the temperature had dropped somewhat, the bright morning star made its way and rose the degrees up and up once more. Sometimes a cool breeze might come and sounds like the ocean. But the ocean is far away. The Atlantic must still be there, with its dangerous blue jellyfish, with the piers racing out to the horizon, failing, but failing beautifully. 
No animals are around and no signs of anything like that save for the large heron that suddenly flies overhead. Where it shall alight, nobody around there knows. Quiet. Silent then. And soon the wildflowers can be seen. A wasp, busy as a bee, - hee hee-, is at work, foraging for what it needs, - one petal to the next, and then he is gone into the thick green tree beyond. Clouds
still in the sky, as if in a painting. When will the rains come? At times, the sky in places does seem dense and that it promises things like precipitation. What dreams shall we have in the night storms?

Until then, we wait…

An old bike sits sometimes by Hibiscus and sometimes by the Mulberry. The world spins.
The wheels sit still but sometimes spin. The wheel of fortune itself spins, the dharma wheel, the cosmic ball bearings. But nothing really spins too much- it happens in silence. We are all on the path. Marga is the path. Or, more properly, we could say- The Path. The forest, the wasp, the big bird silhouetted against the deep blue sky and cumulus clouds. The bike, its paint and chrome, oil and wheels. The bubbling water fountain. People. Crickets. The lapping waves of the Atlantic, - now unseen save for in the imagination. And the berries from the trees, the trees, the red flowers with yellow. So many, many things.

What dreams might the night storms bring? 


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