Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Even the local path can be somewhat of an adventure. Its not the first pick of course, being too busy and developed. Heck, its not even the third or fourth pick. Its about the last option,- but they had already had the main run and we were looking to get in an evening walk. We went across residential streets and boulevards and headed down the meandering gravel way. A large hill rests behind a series of industrial streets. The sun sets over the little factories and most of the world is gone home. Some bit of running can be had as long as a spotter stays at the bottom of and top of the hill. There is also a back way into the a sort of separate forest. The path is more treaded than it was years ago when I used to take Pucho, the old lab, to those parts. A quiet stream resides to the left as one goes in, but it is to be avoided for the most part because of some water that is quite red due to chemicals or a run-off from the local industrial corridor. Yet, all that being said,- a few moments of peacefulness was had and the minds and bodies, plus a sense of curiosity,- underwent exercise. They are rightly tired now. The sun was beginning to set and we found some interesting trees, fences, wildflowers. Even with the joggers, cyclists, and dog walkers,- a  measure of ease was present, and on the way out from the path, various stretches of just us and the path were left alone. Not so great as the sprawling verdant fields, not, say, the sixty four hectares of the Bendor-Graves Tract out by Davis and Kennedy way, no nothing like that whatsoever- but not bad for a quick evening stroll. 

Not so bad at all…


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