Tuesday, June 7, 2016


The fields were a place that the storms had not reached yet. In fact, I drove out of the storms, gray and black, windy and with thunderous bangs, to the long stretch of highway that let eventually towards the fields. It was odd and interesting to look back and see the gloom, the dark rains, left behind. Well, not many people were around, and we started off. It’s something how the humidity and heat, the few weeks of summer, can make that area grow. There are long stems reaching up to the sun, fences around the perimeter with plants growing on them, and sprawling verdant hectares dotted with Pines. It was a slow and easy walk. The day before, it had been too windy. The day before that, too still. Here, now, today, - ah, - perfection or about as close as the weather can arrive at it. Blue sky, puffy white clouds as in a fairy tale, and a bit of breeze, - just enough to cool the area down. The forest waited on three sides, - the one lane highway on the other. Past the forest on one end is the CN railway, but no trains came past. On the other side can be heard the reports that echo from a firing range. Straight ahead, as you walk in, - more forest. We went along in the open sunshine. Ran into some furry friends here and there. Took a few shots, - rested, - surveyed the land as if we were kings or some feudal lords of old. Take a deep breath. Look around. Call the dogs. Letttsgo! – And like we began, with a spirited adventure, - we leave, - quietly excited all the while to be together, the trinity that we are, - and away from the crowds, the cars, the psychic discord that is accepted for normal day to day living. Yup !Lettsgo! - And there we are going along happily enough again…


1 comment:

  1. Brian,

    A nice brief commentary mixing rural, urban, and down-home dogsdays intimacies.

