is in the Desiderata,
isn’t it? Especially one of the early lines where it says to avoid loud and
aggressive persons as they are a vexation to the spirit. Boy when I pulled up
there was some loud-ass lady at the parking area. Of course her dogs were off
leash and running around the cars and people, the aged walkers and everything
else. Instead of pulling them in she seemed to just stand there and yell at
this or that and in her yelling she was making excuses left and right. How long
would we have to wait, I thought, before she disappeared somewhere on her own
walk? Finally she seemed to go. Five or so minutes felt like an eternity around
that bad energy.
place was too busy, but the other places would be

Going back I saw a dead coyote by the side of the road. Right

Going on from there and taking the long way

seen that the day was becoming clearer, warm, and sunny. I think it’s a nondenominational place and they put up sayings outside in black letters against the white plastic. Something perhaps clever or a part of a psalm or proverb. There is a small graveyard out back with names of old-timers like Robinson and McCarthy, Wells and Duckworth, or simply Smith or Johnson.
Near the end of the drive there was a hawk alighted atop a large highway entrance sign. He saw all the construction and traffic and wondered, - What are these people up to? The sign said it was the way to go south, but I noticed that when he took off he chose north.
city is south and he knew it.
a literate hawk.
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